I hope that for those of you that are returning to the grind of the Winter Quarter or are still on Winter Break, that the holiday season was restful and relaxing – in a time of great distress such that the past year has been. 

  The Sunspot has been on a bit of a hiatus but as we enter a New Year and a time of renewal, it is as good of a time as ever to explore new and old passions – while creating and maintaining habits that will prove to be beneficial for you and your future. Resolutions, Habits, Goals – whatever you want to call it – 2021 is the time to make the most, of yourself! 

  Now for some tips to help you prepare for 2021…



  Some of the greatest obstacles that we run into when we try to set goals, is not making them SMART. In other words: 

  • Specific 
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time – Based

  SMART goals, and what each letter signifies is always changing, but the main understanding to take away from this is that when you are setting goals/resolutions/etc, you want to make sure that they are going to be achievable – using the SMART method will help you do so. 

  For this method, you want to go through each step to make sure the goal is something that you can achieve: 

  • Specific – Is the goal that you want to accomplish specific and not too broad
    • Ie) “I want to run for office” VS “I want to run for Club/District Secretary” 
  • Measurable – is your goal able to be broken down into smaller steps to complete the end objective? 
    • Ie) “I will work out every day” VS “I will go for a walk for 30 minutes a day” 
  • Attainable – Is the goal you want to achieve something that is possible for the means and resources that you have? 
    • Ie) “I will read a book a day” VS “I will read one chapter a day” 
  • Realistic – Is your goal a real accomplishment with references to time, resources, ability, etc.? 
    • Ie) “I am going run a triathlon tomorrow without any training” VS “I am going to train for a triathlon that will have in a couple of months” 
  • Time-Based – Does your goal have a time frame that is realistic, attainable, measurable, and specific? 
    • Ie) “I am going to write a book by the end of the year” VS “I will write one chapter a month”

  This system is not a one size fits all for goals, but using this as a guideline for how you will adapt and accomplish any goals/resolutions/etc that you may have will help ensure you stay focused and on track to complete any goals you aim to achieve this year. 

Staying On Track

  Now that you’ve developed goals for 2021, staying on top of those goals is the second half of the battle of maintaining them. There is no one best way for everyone, but there have been plenty of steps, practices, and new processes that you can implements that will hopefully help you achieve your goals. 

  • Vision Boards
  • Bullet Journaling
    • Need a way to keep track of your to-dos, your schedule, your goals, and have a way to be creative? Try Bullet Journaling! More recently it has become popular through the sphere of social media, but bullet journaling has been a tried and true method to not only accomplish goals long term, but also daily tasks that may seem menial. All of this tied into already made or build your own adventure journals where you can have creative control creates the perfect situations for some of you creative prodigies. 
  • Notes / Reminders / Lists
    • One of the things that I use to keep me on track is the Apple Reminders app that allows you to create reminders, sub-lists, and various other tools to keep you on track. This can also take the form of writing your goals down on a piece of paper which is also proven to be effective in increasing the likelihood of you achieve your goals, and crossing things off as you continue to work toward your goals. 


  2021 will be a year that is of our own making, and hopefully as we enter the second half of the school year, and into a new year that is hopefully better than the last – I hope you learned something today that you didn’t know yesterday, and will hopefully implement into your own life! 

  Be sure to come back every Sunday for the Sunspot, and be sure to watch out for various double features that may come out of the Sunspot, and also the launch of the CNH District Podcast… the SunnyCast! 

Stay Sunny CNH! 

Yours in Passion & Service

Aaron Piña


20/21 External Relations Chair
