Good Afternoon Sunny CNH!

Welcome to the third Monday of October! That means that this week, we have Member Recognition Mondays dedicated to the southern divisions of Citrus, Metro, and Paradise! Without further ado, scroll down to see who was spotlighted and why!


🍊Citrus Division🍊
Henry Pham, CSU Fullerton

Henry continuously puts in the effort to take notice and reach out to others. In order to be appreciated, one must be noticed which as I have mentioned above, Henry never fails to do. Even as club president, he is on top of club recognition whether it be in the form of birthday spotlights, weekly spotlights, or Cal State Fullerton’s Member of the Month!
Fun Fact: Henry injured himself at FTC 2017 and was pushed around in a wheelchair as a result, even though he was a driver!


🚊Metro Division🚊
Sandra Godina, Pierce College

Sandra has been doing an excellent job in her position as Secretary for her home club and remains an active member of our division. She always goes out of her way during volunteer events to make sure help is provided. Her constant support for her board and her ambitious attitude have paved the way for her as a valuable member of Metro. Her can-do attitude is infectious and she is always a fun person to be around during events. Overall, Sandra is a great member of Pierce, Metro, and the community.
Fun Fact: Sandra has been sky diving before.


🍍Paradise Division🍍
Pinky Ho, San Diego State University

As VPA of her home club, Pinky has helped both officers and members immensely throughout the past month. She’s someone that will always offer advice, encouragement, and support for everyone around her. Pinky shows her appreciation to others verbally and through her actions as well. Whether it be sending the first message of appreciation to the person who chairs an event or buying someone boba for helping her or the club, she’s shown her appreciation for others in various ways.
Fun Fact: Pinky has a phobia of bread.



November marks yet another new month so… HURRAY! EVEN MORE MEMBER RECOGNITION MONDAYS! If there is a member who has made an impact since joining their home club, let it be known to the district! You can do this by sharing it with us in the nomination form!

Click HERE to access the nomination form!


Nominations will close next Monday, October 28th at 10PM PDT/7PM HST!



Thank you for sticking around and we’ll see you all next week as we go into September Member of the Month!