How to Host a Service Workshop
October 28, 2016
Hello, service leaders! If a passion for service is what you have, you might want to spread that love around! One great way to do that would be by hosting a workshop. This can be through the district, through the division or even in your club. Below we have prepared a helpful guide for you to get you started with your workshop!
What is a workshop?
A workshop is a meeting in which people gather in order to become educated or learn about a specific topic. Specific to service, your workshop is meant to teach people how to better serve their community. The end goal of every workshop is to educate.
What are the necessary components of a service workshop?
- Basics
What are the basics you ask? Well every workshop has fundamentals as how to host them. The first thing in every workshop is how to present. Every presentation contains a voice and through the voice is how the audience obtains the information. If you have a weak voice, no one will be able to hear you and people will start to lose interest. Remember to always use a strong, projecting voice, and be prepared to yell if your workshop gets too crowded. In addition, you must also have a Powerpoint Presentation or some sort of visual in order to better gain the interest of the audience. Things such as Prezi, Microsoft Powerpoint, pamphlets, posters, are all things that can gain the audience’s’ attention.
- Purpose
When you are hosting a Service Workshop, you need to have a purpose. What are you trying to accomplish? For example, if you are trying to teach the importance of service, you need to have a plan of attack. How will you accomplish this? What is your goal? Do you want to branch off your own ideas or involve the ideas of others? Through your purpose, every other part of your workshop will unfold. Remember that if you are doing a workshop on the types of service in the community, or other informational type of service workshop, you will need to have a goal as to what you want your audience to take back to their clubs. From educating members about the DSI and Circle K’s international service partners, or teaching members how to lead service projects, there are so many ways to share your love for service with fellow members!
- Engage the audience
If you don’t engage your audience, it is almost as if you never gave the workshop. You need to capture the audience’s attention in order to get the information across! How do you do this? Well simply, you need to incorporate different styles of presentation to your workshop. If you think simply talking in front of the audience is a good idea, you are wrong! You should incorporate questions and answers, icebreaker activities, discussion, etc. in order to mix it up. Get your audience involved! Ask them questions, get their input and build your workshop off ideas that they spoke about. Make sure they know that their ideas are heard and let them know that what they have to share is helpful to everyone!
- Inspire
At the end of the day, your main goal is to inspire your members. Spread your desire to do service to other members of CKI! We are all in Circle K International for one reason, service! Make sure that your passion and your knowledge for service gets passed on to different members in order to spread the meaning of service!
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