Welcome to Sunset Division!


Welcome to the Sunset Division of California-Nevada-Hawaii Circle K! We are one of the 9 divisions that make up this district dedicated to serving our community and striving to better our world through service, leadership, and fellowship. Our division was established back in July 9th, 2012. You can always guarantee you will witness an amazing sunset in our division!


Divisional Leadership Team

Jonash Poyaoan

Sunset Lieutenant Governor

Bill Truong

Executive Assistant

Anoop George

Fundraising Chair

Nicolette Cruz

Public Relations Chair

Jeevan Bhullar

Service Chair

Ishan Pathirana

Spirit and Social Chair

Rebeca Laguna

Spirit and Social Chair

Club Presidents

Rebeca Laguna

CSU Monterey Bay

Jeffrey Chang

De Anza College


Foothill College

Ian Mallari

San Jose State University


Santa Clara University

Alfredo Rivero

UC Santa Cruz



Social Media