Hello Sunny CNH!
We are excited to announce the members that have been appointed to the 2020-2021 District Committees! Please help us in congratulating the following members:

Chair: Nicolas Wright, Cal Poly SLO
Executive Assistant: Ethan Chen, CSU Fullerton
Northern Regional Specialist: Jimmy Tang, Sacramento State
Southern Regional Specialist: Yeonsoo Kim, Orange Coast College
Resource Coordinator: Aerrow Cruz, UN Las Vegas

Chair: Joshua Ranario, University of the Pacific
Internal Relations Chair: Brennan Cain, UC Riverside
External Relations Chair: Aaron Piña, UN Reno
Publications Editor: Joey Duong, Pasadena City College
Social Media Coordinator: Miyu Noguchi, UC Los Angeles
Social Media Coordinator: Ricky Sparrow, Sacramento State
Videographer: Chio Saeyang, Sacramento State
Videographer: Kevin Ngo, Sacramento State
Graphic Designer: Emily Yu, UC Davis
Graphic Designer: Royce Lee, San Francisco State

Chair: Kyle San Jose, UC Irvine
Executive Assistant: Jonash Poyaoan, UC Santa Cruz
Executive Assistant: Kelly Pham, CSU Fullerton
Entertainment: Marcel Rodriguez, Sacramento State
Decorations/Souvenirs: Hanna Lam, UC San Diego
Decorations/Souvenirs: Jessica Itliong, UC Riverside
Graphics: Zoe Adriel Amba, CSU Fullerton
Sergeant-At-Arms: Jessica Olivas, UC Merced
Registration: Yvonne Dai, UC Irvine
Talent Show: Brandon Capulong, Sacramento State
Technology: Brian Liu, UC Irvine
Workshops: Chris Lam, UC Los Angeles
Workshops: Kevin Ru, UC Los Angeles

Chair: Aaron Lee, Pasadena City College
Creative Executive Assistant: Jason Liu, UN Reno
Logistics Executive Assistant: Alicia Sieu, Irvine Valley College
Campfire: Mylan Ross, UC Irvine
Decorations (Backdrop): Kim Nguyen, CSU Fullerton
Decorations (Centerpieces): Emily Yu, UC Davis
Entertainment/Dining: Sandra Vang, UC Davis
Graphics: Garrett Moore, CSU Fullerton
Graphics: Miyu Noguchi, UC Los Angeles
Media: Nathan Dang, CSU Fullerton
Registration: Ricardo Aficial, Sacramento State
SAA: Jimmy Tang, Sacramento State
Team Activities: Caden Tran, CSU Fullerton
Team Activities: Amy Kobayashi, UC Riverside
Workshops: Sergio Barrios, Cal Poly Pomona
Workshops: Jackie Vallo, UN Reno

Chair: Brandon Dimapasoc, UC Davis
Executive Assistant: Kylie Tran, UC San Diego
Creative Assistant: Hillary Le, UC Irvine
Committee Member: Derek Baylis, UC Irvine
Committee Member: Victoria Chau, Sacramento State
Committee Member: Steven Ong, UC San Diego
Committee Member: Joyce Wu, UC Irvine

Chair: Miyu Nakajima, UC San Diego
Capital Liaison: Alyssa Chavez, Sacramento State
Citrus Liaison: Kristi Ryono, UC Irvine
Desert Oasis Liaison: Jonathan Guan, UC Riverside
Foothill Liaison (Ex-Officio): Emily Reale, Pasadena City College
Golden Gate Liaison: Bill Truong, CSU East Bay
Metro Liaison: Heather Fann, CSU Long Beach
Paradise Liaison: Justin Luc, UC San Diego
Sunset Liaison: Jonash Poyaoan, UC Santa Cruz
Executive Assistant / Stand In Central Coast Liaison: Kevin Ru, UC Los Angeles

Chair: Ryan Kenneth Tan, Pasadena City College
Executive Assistant: Eduardo Castillo, UC Los Angeles
Creative Executive Assistant: Diane Zheng, UC Irvine
Elections Assistant: Nora Lovell, UC Davis
Policy Assistant: Samantha Salazar, UN Reno
Policy Assistant: Justin Linder, UC Los Angeles

Chair: David Su, UC Irvine
Executive Assistant: Luke Barrella, Moorpark College
Master Records Sheet Coordinator: Andrew Yu, UC Irvine
Creative Director: Janice Lee, UC Riverside
Northern Recognition Specialist: Vanessa Lee, Sacramento State
Central Recognition Specialist: Jessica Lam, Cal Poly Pomona
Southern Recognition Specialist: Guy Suankaew, CSU Long Beach

Chair: Andy Nguyen, UC Riverside
Executive Assistant: Amy Bryant, UN Reno
Professional Development Coordinator: Jack Rattanasith, San Francisco State
Involvement & Retention Strategist: Jaslynn Diep, CSU Fullerton
Recruitment & Outreach Strategist: Xavier De Anda, UC Riverside
Fellowship-Based Initiatives Chair: Anne Thy Le, Orange Coast College

Chair: Kim Hinojos, Orange Coast College
Northern Executive Assistant: Jeevan Bhullar, UC Santa Cruz
Southern Executive Assistant (Ex Officio): Hyun Jin Kim, Moorpark College
Education Chair: Karishma Sira, UC Davis
Education Chair: Kristin Kim Nguyen, UC Irvine
District Large Scale Service Project North Chair: Samantha Wang, UC Davis
District Large Scale Service Project South Chair: Sabrina Zavala, CSU Fullerton
District Large Scale Service Project South Chair: Aerrow Cruz, UN Las Vegas

Chair: Matthew Kim, Pierce College
Executive Assistant: Anne Le, Orange Coast College
UI/UX Designer: Angela Chen, UC San Diego
Website Specialist: Allison Chu, Irvine Valley College
Data Scientist: Jennifer Sandoval, Sacramento State
Data Scientist: Justin Linder, UC Los Angeles
Data Scientist: Justin Fong, UC San Diego
Project Manager: Brenda Wong, UC Irvine
Project Lead: Alvin Nguyen, UC Irvine
Project Lead/QA Tester: Albert Dang, UC Riverside
Software Developer: Faraz Asnari, UC Irvine
Software Developer: Makena Pollon, Cal State Long Beach
Software Developer: Vincent Hoang, Cal Poly Pomona
Software Developer/QA Tester: Brian Nguyen, UC Irvine
Software Developer: Zeven Vidmar-Barker, UC San Diego
Software Developer: Chris Lam, UC Los Angeles
Software Developer: Jatnael Montes, UC Merced

Chair: Henry Pham, CSU Fullerton
Executive Assistant: Bruce Casenaz, CSU Fullerton
Creative Assistant: Braden Lem, UC Los Angeles
Activities Co-Chair: Joey Duong, Pasadena City College
Activities Co-Chair: Jeffrey Lin, UC Los Angeles