Hi there! Welcome to a new term of Member Recognition Mondays. Every month from August until February, we will be recognizing members from all over the district for their involvement and dedication to Circle K. This month, we asked the Lt. Governors to recognize members who have stayed active in Circle K during the summertime. This week, we are spotlighting members from Capital, Golden Gate, and Sunset! Read about why their Lt. Governors nominated them below:

Capital: Josephine Molina, Folsom Lake College

Josephine drives countless hours to go to events and she tries to help every member feel welcomed. She goes above and beyond by hosting google hangout calls for secretaries every now and then to help secretaries feel unified.

Golden Gate: Darian Sein-Lwin, CSU East Bay

Darian makes the time to go to as many events as possible including going to as many Kiwanis meetings as he can. He makes sure to help his officers with various tasks when needed. Darian's commitment to Circle K is greatly appreciated.

Sunset: Victor Nguyen, UC Santa Cruz

Despite living outside of Santa Cruz, Victor has been able to participate in other service events within his division. He still attends our Divisional Council Meetings and service events hosted by other clubs. Victor is always willing to assist those in need.

Thank you to these members for all of their involvement in Circle K during the summer! Make sure to congratulate them when you see them in person. Also, don’t forget to thank your fellow members that have stayed active in the summer and check back next week to see more members get recognized!