MR Mondays: Week 4, September
September 24, 2018
Good afternoon, CNH Circle K,
This week is showcasing all of our August Members of the Month, who are recognized by their peers to have gone above and beyond!

See what the Lieutenant Governors had to say about them, and their answers to three NEW questions as seen below:
1. Who/what motivated you to join and stay in CKI?
2. What’s a body part that wouldn’t mind losing, and why?
3. What are some ways you got out of your comfort zone this year?
Capital Division
Crystal Ly, University of the Pacific
“Crystal has been going out of her comfort zone and has become more dedicated to Circle K whether it be attending events with her home club or on the divisional level. She has attended various events has given support to the club’s respective board of officers whenever and wherever. Not only did she just join Circle K this year, but she also just recently served on the Capital July DCM Committee and housed many members at the Capital Summer Send-Off Social! Moreover, she now serves as UOP CKI’s Membership Development & Education Chair! She’s always making sure to look after all members for their enjoyment and safety; she has always shown excitement and joy in this organization she serves with. The Eagle of the Month goes to Crystal Ly from the University of the Pacific!” Q&A: 1. To be honest, I joined Circle K because my cousin was a member. However, I stayed because of all the people I met. Together with a bunch of strangers, we did service, we bonded over similar values, heck we even got sunburnt together….numerous times I might add. The friendships that I have built through Circle K are irreplaceable!
2. I want to keep all of my limbs, but since I have to choose it would be my appendix. I’m pretty sure I don’t need it..right? I’m going off of a Hannah Montana episode I watched a long time ago LOL
3.I definitely got out of my comfort zone this year. FYI I am not only afraid of the dark, but I hate bugs. Sooo, of course I became a committee member for the July DCM. The DCM that encompasses all of my fears in one. I faced my fears head on, but don’t be mistaken I’m still afraid. I don’t regret my decision one second because I met some of the funniest, kindest, and genuine people ever
2. I want to keep all of my limbs, but since I have to choose it would be my appendix. I’m pretty sure I don’t need it..right? I’m going off of a Hannah Montana episode I watched a long time ago LOL
3.I definitely got out of my comfort zone this year. FYI I am not only afraid of the dark, but I hate bugs. Sooo, of course I became a committee member for the July DCM. The DCM that encompasses all of my fears in one. I faced my fears head on, but don’t be mistaken I’m still afraid. I don’t regret my decision one second because I met some of the funniest, kindest, and genuine people ever
Central Coast Division
Jessica Olivas, UC Merced
“Jessica has been planning out socials for the rest of the term already, even though school has just started! She has ideas for each month already and has begun starting to plan spirit gear for our club at Fall Training Conference! She has also been super involved in tabling as well as participating in our meetings.” Q&A: 1. I was motivated to join by CKI CC Northern outreach chair and VPS of my club Julian Perez.
2. I probably wouldn’t mind losing my left foot because I’m right foot dominant.
3. I got out of my comfort zone this year by going to DCon even though I wasn’t extremely familiar with the club yet.
“Jessica has been planning out socials for the rest of the term already, even though school has just started! She has ideas for each month already and has begun starting to plan spirit gear for our club at Fall Training Conference! She has also been super involved in tabling as well as participating in our meetings.” Q&A: 1. I was motivated to join by CKI CC Northern outreach chair and VPS of my club Julian Perez.
2. I probably wouldn’t mind losing my left foot because I’m right foot dominant.
3. I got out of my comfort zone this year by going to DCon even though I wasn’t extremely familiar with the club yet.
Desert Oasis Division
Rosie Benito-Dumo, UN Las Vegas
“Despite having to work and now on top of school, she’s been trying her best to make it out to service projects and New Student Orientations, while also fulfilling her duties as Special Events chair: planning, having committee meetings, and releasing subchair applications!” Q&A: 1. The Green Valley Kiwanians were the ones who really motivated me to join Circle K. They basically told me to “give it a try” and I did. On the other hand, my Big, Jessica Ango, motivated me to stay. She has been a great mentor and friend along the way!
2. I guess I wouldn’t mind losing my ears because I’ve always wanted to learn sign language and that would give me a chance to learn a new language.
3. Being a part of the appointed board has definitely allowed me to step out of my comfort zone a little more. Being involved in workshops has helped me open up and improve on my public speaking.
2. I guess I wouldn’t mind losing my ears because I’ve always wanted to learn sign language and that would give me a chance to learn a new language.
3. Being a part of the appointed board has definitely allowed me to step out of my comfort zone a little more. Being involved in workshops has helped me open up and improve on my public speaking.
Foothill Division
Ojo Ventura, Mt. San Antonio College
“Ojo has met so many people in our division since the beginning of his Circle K journey, and he’s become one of the hallmark members of Mt. San Antonio College Circle K. He’s become a friend to many different people and isn’t at all afraid to be himself. I’ve also seen him dedicate a large amount of time to service events and fellowship this summer, even though he will be transferring very soon to UCLA in the fall. Mt. SAC’s going to miss him so much (sad reax only), but UCLA Circle K is going to be lucky to have him.” Q&A: 1. I was in key club throughout high school (go division 45 Jokers!) and I’ve always been interested in joining CKI at the postsecondary level. I didn’t join right away because I wasn’t aware of the meeting times, but during fall semester I decided to attend one meeting. That meeting I felt really awkward with all the puns and jokes and decided to focus on my studies that semester. When winter intercession came about I decided to give CKI another chance so I signed up for a Claremont tree planting service event. Little did I know that signing up would end in forming my closest friendship in CKI with Natalie Lu. She was the one who motivated me to stay and continue my CKI journey, and I will always be forever grateful for her impact on my life.
2. I wouldn’t mind losing my appendix because it has no purpose in the body.
3. This past year I got out of my comfort zone by being more active in CKI and really engaging myself in college. Not only did I make new lifelong friends, I applied to my dream school and was accepted (Go Bruins!).
2. I wouldn’t mind losing my appendix because it has no purpose in the body.
3. This past year I got out of my comfort zone by being more active in CKI and really engaging myself in college. Not only did I make new lifelong friends, I applied to my dream school and was accepted (Go Bruins!).
Golden Gate Division
Jolo Gutierrez, Diablo Valley College
“Jolo is currently fourth year at Diablo Valley College studying Computer Science. Throughout the summer, Jolo has been very active with the division by going to many Divisional Council Meetings and Service Projects. Recently, he even stepped up to serve on the club’s executive board to fill a vacant position to rebuild the club. With his involvement with the division and initiative to step up to help his home club, he has show exemplary involvement and leadership within this organization! We can’t wait to see all the amazing things that Jolo will do!” Q&A: 1. My older sister got me into community service clubs and the people I’ve met kept me in cki.
2. My hair, I think I can pull off the bald look.
3. I took a leadership role in my work.
2. My hair, I think I can pull off the bald look.
3. I took a leadership role in my work.
Magic Kingdom Division
Chad Ruaburo, UC Irvine
“Proactive is one of the best words I can use to describe Chad. He’s not afraid to have hard conversations for the betterment of this organization! Chad serves as the Single Service Chair at UC Irvine Circle K, but he also decided to host a Milkshake Monday Social for their club during the Summer to foster fellowship among members. He consistently attends DCM’s and DSP’s. He even serves on the club Change Through Games Committee! Thank you for all your hard work Chad!” Q&A:
1. I joined CKI this past year because I was pretty darn desperate to make friends after having an abysmal first year at UCI. Although I was initially intimidated by how loud and spirited everyone in the club was, I had a feeling that CKI was where I needed to be so I stuck around. Long story short, I met some amazing people that have helped me make a complete 180 in my life and changed me for the better. As a result, I am as motivated as ever to stay in CKI to positively impact lives in the way that this organization changed mine.
2. My middle toe on my right foot because I think I’d still be able to retain full functionality of my body and also feet are gross aha. Man idk lol
3. I ventured out of my comfort zone when I decided to apply for a board position since I feared the thought of rejection. I was then pushed further out of my comfort zone when I accepted the offer to become a board member because I had so many doubts about my leadership abilities, but luckily my religious faith and my friends in CKI have erased most of these doubts by supporting me all the way through. Also I’m relatively shy so going to divisional and district events and having to talk to new people still makes me pretty uncomfortable yikes!
2. My middle toe on my right foot because I think I’d still be able to retain full functionality of my body and also feet are gross aha. Man idk lol
3. I ventured out of my comfort zone when I decided to apply for a board position since I feared the thought of rejection. I was then pushed further out of my comfort zone when I accepted the offer to become a board member because I had so many doubts about my leadership abilities, but luckily my religious faith and my friends in CKI have erased most of these doubts by supporting me all the way through. Also I’m relatively shy so going to divisional and district events and having to talk to new people still makes me pretty uncomfortable yikes!
Metro Division
Alex Liang, University of Southern California
“These past couple months Alex has stepped out of his comfort zone by meeting and getting to know many new people on the divisional level. Not to mention he’s been attending a bunch of divisional and club events to represent his club! His presence is felt and he brings joy to those around him; not to mention his very contagious smile!” Q&A: 1. Honestly, I am super lucky to have my older brother be on Appointed Board in one of the schools in Desert Oasis the year I joined and learned this past summer that my older cousin was the Vice President of Service at one of the schools in Capitol. I honestly stayed just because I wanted to commit myself to something greater since I never did service in high school. Slowly, I’ve learned that even just cleaning up for an event is meaningful. They are doing something important and if we can help people do good things, we are contributing as well. The people in CKI are truly so kind and genuine. It’s literally a network within networks of people who honestly come together to do something greater for the world.
2. Honestly, this may sound weird, but I wouldn’t mind losing my middle fingers. It’s such a demeaning finger and there’s no reason to create more hateful gestures. When someone cuts us off, we are probably already swearing behind the car window. Don’t go out of your way to ruin someone’s day!
3. I am actually a new member. I joined the 3rd general meeting of spring semester last year. I didn’t expect much since I was such a new member but I took chances to be secretary for my club. From there, I was overwhelmed that crazy MRF. Signing people in every general meeting is so stressful since I have to meet new people. I’m fine when people come to say hi to me but when I have to go out of my way to talk to someone else, I get so anxious as if so many things can go wrong with a friendly conversation. I think I just developed some social skills and learning how to work with new people.
I just wanna say thank you CKI and thanks Katelyn for leaving me with such an amazing, spirited predecessor c:
2. Honestly, this may sound weird, but I wouldn’t mind losing my middle fingers. It’s such a demeaning finger and there’s no reason to create more hateful gestures. When someone cuts us off, we are probably already swearing behind the car window. Don’t go out of your way to ruin someone’s day!
3. I am actually a new member. I joined the 3rd general meeting of spring semester last year. I didn’t expect much since I was such a new member but I took chances to be secretary for my club. From there, I was overwhelmed that crazy MRF. Signing people in every general meeting is so stressful since I have to meet new people. I’m fine when people come to say hi to me but when I have to go out of my way to talk to someone else, I get so anxious as if so many things can go wrong with a friendly conversation. I think I just developed some social skills and learning how to work with new people.
I just wanna say thank you CKI and thanks Katelyn for leaving me with such an amazing, spirited predecessor c:
Paradise Division
Kristen Yagi, UH Hilo
“Kristen was a huge help during visitation and her charming personality made the trip all that more fun and enjoyable for Manuel and I. She’s been in the Kiwanis family for years and has been a huge help to UH Hilo for getting her club connected with the other branches on Hawai’i. Kristen is a delight to have as part of Paradise and a role model for any member in Circle K.” Q&A: 1. I have been a part of the Kiwanis Family ever since I joined my intermediate school’s Builders Club. After graduating from high school, I decided to take a break from the Kiwanis Family and allow myself time to adjust to college life. While college was fun, I always felt like something was missing, but I could never put my finger on it. After attending a Kiwanis Family event as a favor to my friend and the IP President for our school’s CKI, I realized that what I was missing was the feeling of being a part of such a loving and selfless group of individuals that, throughout the years, became my family.
2. A body part that I wouldn’t mind losing would probably be the pinky finger on my left hand strictly because I already don’t use my left hand for much and I feel like it won’t be too critical if I’m missing my pinky.
3. One way I got out of my comfort zone this year was by running for Secretary for my club. I may seem very outgoing, but when I’m around people I don’t know, I tend to be shy and honestly kind of awkward. Growing up in a small town, the people you went to high school with, were the same ones that you went to elementary and intermediate school with, so the people in the clubs I joined were people I’ve known for a long time. Running for an officer position in college forced me to put myself out there with people whom I don’t know all too well, which is something I would have never done in the past.
2. A body part that I wouldn’t mind losing would probably be the pinky finger on my left hand strictly because I already don’t use my left hand for much and I feel like it won’t be too critical if I’m missing my pinky.
3. One way I got out of my comfort zone this year was by running for Secretary for my club. I may seem very outgoing, but when I’m around people I don’t know, I tend to be shy and honestly kind of awkward. Growing up in a small town, the people you went to high school with, were the same ones that you went to elementary and intermediate school with, so the people in the clubs I joined were people I’ve known for a long time. Running for an officer position in college forced me to put myself out there with people whom I don’t know all too well, which is something I would have never done in the past.
Sunset Division
Vicky Duong, De Anza College
“Vicky is a 2nd year at De Anza College and serves as the President for De Anza Circle K for the 2018-2019 term. She has been actively coming out to our division events and constantly brings a bright and bright energy with her. She has also been working hard with her officers to plan for the fall. In addition, she has been coming out to other clubs and division events throughout the summer.” Q&A: 1. service keeps me motivated to stay in CKI
2. i wouldn’t mind losing my breasts bc i’ll feel free~
3. i try to meet 1-2 new people to get out of my comfort zone!
A friendly reminder that the October nomination form closes tonight at 10 PM PDT/ 7 PM HST, so please get your submissions in! The form can be found on your respective divisional Facebook page.