2016-2017 District Board of Officers
April 1, 2016
With hundreds of application downloads on the website, interviews with many qualified individuals, and careful consideration, we are happy to announce to you the District Board of Officers. Congratulations to the following who will be serving on the 2016-2017 District Board:
Executive Board
District Governor: Alex D. Nguyen (UC Irvine)
District Secretary: Erick Jason Reyno (San Francisco State)
District Treasurer: Donald Franks (UC Berkeley)
Lieutenant Governors
Capital Lieutenant Governor: Lawrence Sahagan (Sacramento State)
Central Coast Lieutenant Governor: Jorge Lopez (UC Merced)
Desert Oasis Lieutenant Governor: Jennifer Nguyen (UN Las Vegas)
Foothill Lieutenant Governor: Jesus Martinez (Los Angeles City College)
Golden Gate Lieutenant Governor: Monica Willemsz (Diablo Valley College)
Magic Kingdom Lieutenant Governor: Jesus Pelayo (CSU Fullerton)
Metro Lieutenant Governor: Allen Pham (University of Southern California)
Paradise Lieutenant Governor: Nicolet Ramirez (CSU San Marcos)
Sunset Lieutenant Governor: Ryan Wiseman (De Anza College)
Appointed Chairs
Fall Training Conference Chair: Claire Lee (UC Berkeley)
District Convention Chair: Sienna Serrano (UC Irvine)
Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair: Josef Madrigal (UC Los Angeles)
Member Recognition Chair: Natalie Mann (CSU Long Beach)
Membership Development & Education Chair: Christopher Riley (CSU Fullerton)
On To International Convention Chair: Michael Novang (Sacramento State)
Service Chair: Vivian Tran (UC San Diego)
Technology Editor: Joseph Le (UC San Diego)
Thank you to all who took the time to apply, even if you were not selected, know that your time spent applying and dedication in bettering our organization is truly appreciated.
In addition, the District Board will be re-opening applications for the Communications & Marketing Chair position. Please download the application on the CNH Circle K website. Applications will be due this Sunday, April 3.
Please be sure to join us on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 1:30PM in the Kiwanis Professional Center for the April District Board Meeting. The 2016-2017 District Board is proud to be serving the members of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Circle K International.
Eric Sato
District Technology Chair 2015-2016