District Convention registration has just been released! Check out the message below from the District Convention committee's registration chair to learn more.


Early Registration: Friday, February 9th at 10:00PM.

Regular Registration: Friday February 23rd at 10PM

Hotel Registration Friday March 2nd at 11:59PM

Final day for room switches Wednesday March 21s at 11:59PM


The total  price for DCON+hotel is $227.61 for early registration and  $277.61 for regular registration. This is assuming a maximum occupancy room of 4 people. All Circle K attendees must be registered with both the hotel and the convention to be admitted into DCON. Make note that these are seperate registration processes. DCON registration is only payable by check to Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K. When submitting registration please send one check, with a copy of your DCON confirmation page(s) and a completed waiver and code of conduct form for each member.  


All links to register can be found on the website at http://dcon.cnhcirclek.org/, under "Documents".

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the registration, feel free to stop by Office Hours with me, the Registration Chair, Jesus Martinez. You can check the links below for more information about Office Hours.


Be on the lookout for the District Convention 2018 Registration Guide and video that will explain in detail how to register!


If you have any further questions, please email  cki.dcon.register@gmail.com.




Jesus Martinez

2017-2018 | District Convention Registration Chair